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SKIN BY. MetallicStreet♥

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009

Jin Yun
Geok Min
Wei Li
Ying Ting
Wern Chieh
Lei Shi
Ya Mei


Shooting for the Moon: Setting Goals
Saturday, February 28, 2009
10:13 PM

My take:
I think that some of the descriptions are quite accurate. For example, I would turn work into fun. And if it can't, then it isn't worth doing. (This may be my weakness as well.) But still, I do not know whether some descriptions are correct, and I am still searching for the answer. For instance, I can remember numbers and figures better than faces and names.

My strengths:
  • I work better in groups than individually
  • I prefer to include more people in the activities as much as possible
  • Don't like to be pinned down by many things
  • More firm-minded

My weakness:

  • Easily distracted
  • Depend on last minute spurts of energy to complete the work
  • If the work is not fun, it isn't worth doing (this really sometimes happen to me!)
  • Always thinking too many things at one time


Vacation Highlight
Saturday, January 3, 2009
4:03 AM
It's been long since I posted the next entry. This post will be about my tour from 12 Dec to 28 Dec, going oversea to places in Switzerland, France and China.
During this whole trip, many things happened, which let me learn quite a lot of things.

1. Always look at the bright side, and this may make you even happier
Well, during the whole trip, many things were canceled, mainly due to the weather conditions. For example, too strong wind canceled our trip up Mt titlis because of strong wind. But instead of grumbling that we can't go up, I appreciated the fact that we went up another mountain, Mt Pilatus. This really made my trip much enjoyable.

2. Being more observant
When I went to China, I met a guy who actually marked the price up by a lot. When a group of tourist came, that guy would actually slash the price by a lot, making everyone think that the price is very cheap. But in actual fact, it is still much more expensive compared to other places. For example, a pendant that cause maybe 10 dollars outside, he would originally put the price at 100 dollars. When we come, he will act as if he has made friends with us, and slash the price to 50 dollars. But still, his actions has let some people saw through him, but not many. Thus, I learned that in the society, in order not to be tricked, we have to be more observant and observe this kind of actions that can give themselves away.

3. Making the right choice is important
Like I told you just now, my tour met many problems due to weather conditions. On one time, we were supposed to go Jungfraujoch, the top of Europe, to catch the sunrise. But unfortunately, due to strong wind, it was closed, and the trip up was postponed to afternoon. To make things worst, sledging were to be done on the afternoon. Thus, I had to choose between going up the top of Europe or sledging in another moutai, Bussalp. After taking serious consideration, I decided to go for sledging instead, and I feel that it paid off well. I enjoyed it a lot. Luckily, the trip up Junfraujoch was met with lots of problem including an over-packed restaurant that left many people hungry.

4. Business is not only about making money
We went for a Swiss fondue dinner at a restuarant. And I learned many things from the owner of the restaurant. He entertained us. Told us jokes. He made us feel as if we were at home already. And we really really enjoyed the dinner a lot, although some food's taste didn't suit us at all. This let me understand deeply that when doing business, we cannot keep thinking about making money, lots and lots of money. But rather, a way that can earn money for us and at the same time make both sides happy.


Conceptions of success #2
Thursday, December 4, 2008
6:05 PM
I would think that a person who I know personally and deem successful would be my cousin. As usual, she is not really a very rich person, neither is she a famous person. She is now around 30+.
She comes from a poor family. Her mother is a housewife, and only her dad is working. Moreover, she has another 3 siblings. Thus, it is very difficult for my uncle to raise a total of 4 children, in addition with the huge amount of siblings he has. Since he is the biggest brother among the family, he had to go out to work at a young age to support the big family. But, my cousin didn't give up her education. She preserved, though many teachers look down on her, discouraged her, and even told her that she can't make it. But instead, she preserved. When all her siblings were playing, she chose to study. In the end, she was the first in the family to reach university. Well, this maybe nothing, but to preserver and in the end reach the target that no one believed that she could is something I would admire.

Besides all these, she posses some qualities that would make me deem her even successful.
She helps a lot of people, including my family and I. Every time we have some difficulties, for example, my dad meets some problem at work, we would turn to her for help. Within her limits, she would try her best to help out, without complaining at all.
Like what I said just now, her route to now her current life is all thanks to her perseverance. She keeps trying, and wants to prove to other people that they are wrong.
She is very filial as a daughter. She tries to give her parents a good life. Though it is not like very luxurious, like giving a bungalow, she gives the maximum of what she can to them.

How she has inspired me?
She has inspired me by making me know that successful need not be very "expensive". You need not be very famous, and rich. As long as you do what you are supposed to do, do to your best, you can also be counted as a successful person.

How can this programme bring me closer to my goal?
Firstly, it lets me widen my horizon, by exposing me to more things.
Secondly, it lets me know what kind of a person I am, for example, the MBTI test. This lets me know what are my strenghts, so that I can serve my duty well.


Conceptions of Success #1
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
9:36 PM
What does success means to me?
Well, success to me does not have a fixed definition. It can mean achieving the impossible, or possessing qualities that other people do not have. To put it in a nice way, it means being extraordinary. And, being sucessful does not have to be rich and famous.
Looking at the topic, I took a serious consideration on who I thought was successful. Since I am a soccer fan, I decided to choose...
Sir Alex Ferguson, current manager of Manchester United.

A little of his very, very old playing career
His full name was actually Alexander Chapman Ferguson, but due to his overwhelming success while manager Manchester United, he was knighted by the British queen. His career as a player was not of a glamorous one. He met many obstacles and changed clubs quite a lot of times, including top Scottish clubs Rangers and Celtic. He went to Falkirk as a player-cum-coach, and later finish off his playing career at Ayr United.

The more important part, his managing career
Since he is already 67, he has managed 4 clubs for a long period of 34 years, including clubs like East Stirlingshire, St. Mirren, Aberden and the current one, Manchester United, which is a great success. To cut short, I will just tell you why I think his managing period at Manchester United and maybe a little from other clubs make me feel he is a successful person.

1. He possesed many qualities a good leader needs to posses.
His whole life is full of ups and downs, which is very obvious. (You can easily go and check.) At the start of his first few years at the club he managed, he didn't won any medals or trophies, but he never gave up. He perserved, tried year after year until he finally succeed.

Risk Taking
In the world of soccer, injuries are bound to be. Whenever his players get injured or get suspended, and the next match is going to be a big crucial one, he dares to take risks. Of course, it is a smart risk. A leader must be someone who dares to take smart risk, and I feel that he mastered it well, which paid off quite a lot of times.

Trust and confidence
He trust his views and have total confidence with what he thinks. His analysis will never be affected by the public. He beleives it, and goes all the way with it, full heartedly. For example, he trust that Wayne Rooney will be a good striker, and goes all way out to look for a partner that is suitable with him. Throughout this search, many good strikers was rejected, but he didn't care. Though the results of whether how well his judgement is not out yet, he still does not regret it.

Master of mind games
Well, sometimes, strong tatics of mind games can actually make you the winner in the end. This is how Sir Alex gets his trophies, and also being labelled the master of mind games. To prove how far mind games can get you and how well he mastered it, a quote from wikipedia says it all. "Not for the first time, Ferguson had proven to be a master of managerial mind-games, successfully rattling the composure of Arsenal and their otherwise unflappable manager Arsène Wenger."

2. He is just simply sucessful
Besides all the qualities, he is the second-longest serving manager in the history of Manchester United. He has also won more trophies than any other manager in the history of English football.

St. Mirren (1974–1978)
  • Scottish First Division: 1976-77

  • Aberdeen
  • Scottish Premier Division: 1979-80, 1983-84, 1984-85
  • SFA Cup: 1981–82, 1982–83, 1983–84, 1985–86
  • Scottish League Cup: 1985-86
  • UEFA Cup Winners' Cup: 1982–83
  • UEFA Super Cup: 1983-84

  • Manchester United (1986–present)
  • Premier League: 1992–93, 1993–94, 1995–96, 1996–97, 1998–99, 1999–2000, 2000–01, 2002–03, 2006–07, 2007–08
  • FA Cup: 1989–90, 1993–94, 1995–96, 1998–99, 2003–04
  • League Cup: 1991–92, 2005–06
  • FA Charity/Community Shield: 1990*, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2007, 2008
  • UEFA Champions League: 1998–99, 2007–08
  • UEFA Cup Winners' Cup: 1990–91
  • UEFA Super Cup: 1991-92
  • Intercontinental Cup: 1999

  • *—shared

  • Football Writers' Association Tribute Award: 1996
  • Mussabini Medal: 1999
  • UEFA Champions League Manager of the Year: 1998–99
  • BBC Sports Personality of the Year Coach Award: 1999
  • BBC Sports Personality of the Year Team Award: 1999
  • IFFHS Club Coach of the Year: 1999
  • LMA Manager of the Decade: 1990s
  • Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year: 2000
  • BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award: 2001
  • English Football Hall of Fame: 2002
  • Onze d’Or Coach of the Year: 1999, 2007
  • Professional Footballers' Association Merit Award: 2007
  • UEFA Team of the Year: 2007
  • FA Premier League Manager of the Year: 1993–94, 1995–96, 1996–97, 1998–99, 1999–00, 2002–03, 2006–07, 2007–08
  • FA Premier League Manager of the Month: August 1993, October 1994, February 1996, March 1996, February 1997, October 1997, January 1999, April 1999, August 1999, March 2000, April 2000, February 2001, April 2003, December 2003, February 2005, March 2006, August 2006, October 2006, February 2007, January 2008, March 2008
  • LMA Manager of the Year: 1998–99, 2007–08

  • Orders and special awards
  • Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE): 1983
  • Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE): 1995
  • Knight Bachelor: 1999

  • A lot, isn't it?

    He has inspired me by letting me know that in order, I need to possess some of the qualities that I stated above. He perserved, stayed determined, not swayed by other people's comments, and his desire for victory for the club and not for money makes me feel that he is a very good person for me to follow. Of course, he may have some bad habits, but I will try to take up the good points.


    Scholarship & Service
    Thursday, November 13, 2008
    7:47 PM
    What does scholarship mean to you?
    I feel that scholarship is an opportunity to improve and learn things at a faster pace. Also, it means that my efforts are recognized and that I should work even harder. To live up to other people's expectations and learn more things.

    What resposibilities does a scholar have?
    SInce that he/she's efforts are being recognized by other people, he/she must be disciplined and have strong determination. And in order to achieve that, these values must be inculcated inside. Besides this, he/she also need to repay to other people when he/she can. As scholarship is an oppurtunity given by other people. it is right for them to repay back.

    What are some of the obstacles you think you will face?
    Expectations that other people give me? Well, expectations are okay. But when they are high and unreasonable, it gives extra and unnecessary stress that causes unnecessary worry. Secondly, maybe tight schedule. Since I have to do well in my studies and CCA, scholarship will be another activity added to my timetable. But I think that I am able to handle this well. As long as I priorities my activities and plan it well enough, not only will this be a problem, it can also train my time management skills and make it even better.

    Is a scholar also a leader? How so?
    Yes, I feel that a scholar is a leader? (But a non-scholar can also be a leader.) Since the scholar possesses good qualities and is always disciplined, he will become a good leader. He will be able to lead well and influence the people around him in a good manner.

    Who and how do you intend to serve as a scholar?
    For this question, the answer to it can be endless. So, to put it short, I will serve my best to anything and anyone. Be it the school, my CCA, my country Singapore, I will give my best. I do not know in the future what I can give. But for now, the thing I can do is CIP.


    MBTI test
    Tuesday, October 28, 2008
    12:18 AM
    MBTI - http://www.kisa.ca/personality/

    The following are my results

    Extroverted (E)86% Introverted 14%

    Intuitive (N) 73% Sensing (S) 27%
    Thinking (T) 60% Feeling (F) 40%
    Perceiving (P) 55% Judging (J) 45%

    This makes up ENTP.

    "Clever" is the word that perhaps describes ENTPs best. The professor who juggles half a dozen ideas for research papers and grant proposals in his mind while giving a highly entertaining lecture on an abstruse subject is a classic example of the type. So is the stand-up comedian whose lampoons are not only funny, but incisively accurate.

    ENTPs are usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their often-impressive skills. They tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoy playing devil's advocate. They sometimes confuse, even inadvertently hurt, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport.

    ENTPs are as innovative and ingenious at problem-solving as they are at verbal gymnastics; on occasion, however, they manage to outsmart themselves. This can take the form of getting found out at "sharp practice"--ENTPs have been known to cut corners without regard to the rules if it's expedient -- or simply in the collapse of an over-ambitious juggling act. Both at work and at home, ENTPs are very fond of "toys"--physical or intellectual, the more sophisticated the better. They tend to tire of these quickly, however, and move on to new ones.

    ENTPs are basically optimists, but in spite of this (perhaps because of it?), they tend to become extremely petulant about small setbacks and inconveniences. (Major setbacks they tend to regard as challenges, and tackle with determin- ation.) ENTPs have little patience with those they consider wrongheaded or unintelligent, and show little restraint in demonstrating this. However, they do tend to be extremely genial, if not charming, when not being harassed by life in general.

    In terms of their relationships with others, ENTPs are capable of bonding very closely and, initially, suddenly, with their loved ones. Some appear to be deceptively offhand with their nearest and dearest; others are so demonstrative that they succeed in shocking co-workers who've only seen their professional side. ENTPs are also good at acquiring friends who are as clever and entertaining as they are. Aside from those two areas, ENTPs tend to be oblivious of the rest of humanity, except as an audience -- good, bad, or potential.

    Some Famous ENTPs:

    Alexander the Great
    Confederate General J. E. B. Stuart
    Sir Walter Raleigh

    ENTPs generally have the following traits:
    Enjoy generating ideas and theories
    Creative and ingenius
    Bright and capable
    Flexible and Diverse
    Excellent communication skills
    Enjoy debating issues with other people
    Excellent people skills
    Natural leaders, but do not like to control people
    Resist being controlled by people
    Lively and energetic; able to motivate others
    Highly value knowledge and competence
    Logical, rational thinkers
    Able to grasp difficult concepts and theories
    Enjoy solving difficult problems
    Dislike confining schedules and environments
    Dislike routine, detailed tasks

    Possible Career Paths for the ENTP:
    Sales Representatives
    Marketing Personnel
    Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist

    My views

    Seriously, the first sentence that describe ENTP sounds a little different from me already. I don't think I can be considered. Taking into account my academic results and general knowledge, the first sentence really does not suit me. Moving on, I then realize then some descriptions are quite accurate. For example, I like to argue. Maybe thats why I always argue with my sister. But, arguing with my sister is definitely not showing off my skills or for its own sake. I just disagree with her views only.
    As for the section which recommended some jobs base on ENTP, I was once again shocked. I never aimed to be a lawyer before. And from young, I have already formed the fact that a lawyer job is some jobs that I will fail badly in. Maybe, I can start changing and reconsidering my dreams again!
    I feel that I am optimist. I will try to look at the bright side, because through this way then I can bring more happiness to myself to. Of course, if you keep looking at the bad side and worry, how are you going to be happy? And like what I have said in my previous post, being happy will make work even more efficient and things maybe solved better. But despite this, I cannot be an optimist to my exams. Maybe this is the only exception because the moment I imagine my parents face if I fail, I will be scared that what will happen if I fail.
    This test brought a little difference to me. Maybe, it confirmed the description I had for myself. On the other hand, it opened my mind to even more dreams that I could already start dreaming of when I was young! Not start considering now....


    About Me
    Sunday, October 26, 2008
    5:49 AM

    Describe myself
    Every single day, every year, is a moment of self discovery for me. For 14 years, I have found out different things about myself. When I was young, I found out that I was a boy. Now, I start to find even more complex things about myself. What is exactly is my characteristics? I am a person who likes fun. I prefer playing, rather than closing myself in the house. Still, I just started my long road to my full self-discovery…

    Maybe my search for fun is a motivation for me. Every time when a task is handed to me, I will finish it, so that I have time for fun. Maybe I am a motivation to myself. In order not to disappoint myself, I want to finish it. Maybe, people around me. In order not to make them disappointed and lose trust in me, I will work double hard.

    I feel that I am a guy who looks for more fun, rather than a serious guy. Like what you hear everywhere, whether you are sad, happy, angry, time will still past. Thus, I believe that happiness is still very important. Being happy and that’s the most important to me. If you are happy, you will work much better and things can be solve even faster.

    I believe in teamwork a lot. An one man effort will not help much. Like what you always see in posters, “Together Everyone Achieve More”. This even encourage me to work together in a team. I will also persevere, and not give up easily. I believe that every problem, every obstacle is an opportunity for me to perform, to bond with my team, my friends, and strengthen myself.

    Sometime, when I try very hard to solve some problems, I did not notice the time. This way, it sometime spoil my whole schedule. Still, I will try my best to work hard and change my weakness.

    Sport is definitely my likes. Soccer. I am a big and crazy and soccer fan. Anything that got to do with soccer would definitely attract my attention. Besides soccer, badminton is another main interest of sports. I play regularly and try my best to refine my skills.

    I dislike slackers. Team member who claims other people credit without even putting in any effort at all. I dislike people without any moral values at all. Dishonesty, irresponsibility, and even unreasonable behavior because they will do things without reason and not admitting they are wrong despite the fact that everyone is saying they are wrong!

    Anything that is interesting about me
    I am a football fanatic. I watch football every night. Just to let you know more, I support Manchester United. I am trying my best to learn computer. Hope that one day I will be able to master it. Because I feel that learning computer is a practical skill that I can apply be it in the future or now. Once I master it, I need not totally depend on other people for a computer, since computer have become an important tool in our lives now.